
Kyle Fleischmann Kyle Fleischmann

Gen Z: A Report on the Western Church

Is the modern, western church what Jesus had in mind for us? Did we take something that was meant for community and love and twist it into another form of simple entertainment? It’s time to take a serious look at what church looks like today and ask some important questions about what church is supposed to be.

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John Beeson John Beeson

The Blessing of Praying Together

Every Sunday at 7:30 am I join a small group for prayer before the day’s activities begin. It’s such a great way to start a Sunday morning. There is something special about praying together. I love praying on my own, but I have found that in the presence of others, God often blesses me with focus that I lack on my own, with a sense of his presence that I sometimes miss on my own.

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John Beeson John Beeson

Why We Have a 37 Page Doctrinal Statement

In the world of non-denominationalism, the tendency is to scrape theology down to its bare minimum and make room in our local churches for as many in the family of Christ as possible despite our theological differences. The spirit behind this reductionism is admirable: to not create unnecessary division. Why can’t we join together as a church in unity despite our minor disagreements?

New Life is swimming against that current. In a day and age many church’s doctrinal statements could be printed on written out on a napkin; we have a 37-page doctrinal statement.

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John Beeson John Beeson

Creating a Family of Belovedness

How would you describe the atmosphere in your home? Relaxed? Anxious? Tender? Conflicted? Busy? Joyful? Legalistic?

How about the atmosphere in your church? What does it feel like to step into your church’s foyer on a Sunday morning?

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Kyle Fleischmann Kyle Fleischmann

Questions Every Church Should be Asking

Based on the repeated structures and practices seen in thriving churches, I have created a list of questions every church should be asking themselves on a regular basis to help determine if they are intentionally working toward all that God has for them, in their own context and setting.

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